Phone: 8(962) 7600-119


International peer-reviewed scientific 
medical journal
Свидетельство СМИFounder and publisher of the international peer-reviewed medical journal "MEDICUS" is Publishing House “Scientific survey”. "MEDICUS" journal is scientific publication devoted to actual problems of medicine. It includes original researches of all directions of theoretical and applied medicine in Russian and English languages, and also referee reports on monographs and reviews of the last conferences and congresses of health workers. The journal is published in two versions: printed and electronic. The electronic version of the journal is in open access that allows to expand the volume of scientific contacts at the expense of free access to the results of researches.


Acceptance of the articles in the international
medical journal «MEDICUS» (№ 3 (69), March)

Application Deadline is March 1, 2025
Electronic version of the journal – the second half of March, 2025
Sending of printed copies – beginning of April, 2025

The publication carries out a mandatory review of all materials submitting to editorial.

The mission of the journal is to publish the results of original scientific research.

The purpose of the journal is assistance of a free discussion and to exchange of experience between the Russian and foreign scientists, improving the coverage quality of the results of their scientific research activities.

The editing policy of the journal is founded on traditional ethical principles adopted by Russian academic journals and observes the ethical norms of the work of editors and publishers outlined in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, which were elaborated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). When working with publications the journal’s editorial board follows international copyright protection rules, Russian Law, and international standards for publishers.

Scientific journal "MEDICUS" is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in  the Sphere of The coverCommunications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Registration Certificate
ПИ № ФС 77 – 59575, distribution territory – the Russian Federation, foreign countries) 
and in ISSN International Centre (ISSN 2409-563X).

The journal is indexed in the following databases:

CrossRef, the USA
ResearchBib, Japan

Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, the USA
Index Copernicus International, Poland
International, inter-governmental, not-for-profit database CABI, Great Britain (

The journal is registered in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU
URL of the journal

The journal is indexed in the RSCI.

It is presented in the electronic catalog of scientific and technical literature of the All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI RAS) (

Periodicity of the journal – 12 issues a year.

City of the journal edition: Volgograd
Founder and publisher: Publishing House “Scientific survey”
Address: Russia, Volgograd, Angarskaya St., 17 "G", office 312
Phone: 8(962) 7600-119
Head editor: Teslina Olga Vladimirovna

Materials for the publication in the journal (together with the application form) should be sent via e-mail to the Executive editor: